IELTS Mock Test

Are you looking for an IELTS mock test? Do you want to test your IELTS skills? Book your seat now and take the exam at the Meiji Education IDP exam venue.👇

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IELTS Mock Test

What Does Our Package Include?

What Does Our Package Include
High Quality Test Materials
Detailed Feedback And Analysis
Access to Study Materials
Flexible Test Taking Options

How Does It Work?

*** Get a free IELTS Mock test by first-time booking for the exam ***

Mock Test Pattern

Reading & Listening

Reading & Listening

Access an IELTS Academic exam pattern guide
Instantly determine your IELTS Band score
Receive expert tips and strategies from leading IELTS educators


Explore IELTS Academic exam format
Discuss sample answers
Oh, and if you’ve already signed up for the exam, we’ve got a sweet deal for you—a free evaluation!


Analysis of Projected Cue Card Topics
Exclusive Introduction to LeapScholar Speaking Club
Professional Development Session with our Expert IELTS instructor.

Exclusive goodies for all attendees

Expected Speaking Cue Cards List 2021
Expected Speaking Cue Cards List 2021
Vocabulary List To Score 8+ Bands
Vocabulary List To Score 8+ Bands
Discount Coupons For LeapScholar IELTS Courses
Discount Coupons For LeapScholar IELTS Courses

Our Student Review


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    Still Have Question?

    Are you providing an IELTS free mock test?

    Yes, we are providing. A free mock test for first-time students to book their seats on our website.

    What is the cost of a mock test?

    Per the mock test, we take 500 taka only. If you take two or more, please contact us; we have a special discount for you.

    Does this mock test help me to improve my band score?

    efinitely. To get a better band score on IELTS, you have to take mock tests as much as possible. By Taking mock tests, you can identify and work on your problem.

    Do you provide an IELTS Course?

    Yes, we do. We provide an advanced IELTS Course. Our course module is designed for Beginners to Experts. If you need to improve in English, don't worry; our course is perfect for you. You can achieve your desired band score with our ten years of expert instructors.

    How many seats are aviable for mock test?

    We have 40 seats are available for per mock test. We like to ensure our qulaity so that examiner get a full fill expreience of Exam.

    Does Meiji Education offer any support for accommodation abroad?

    Yes, assistance in finding suitable accommodation in the study country is provided, ensuring a comfortable living experience while abroad.

    What makes Meiji Education unique in the field of study abroad consultancy?

    Meiji Education is known for its comprehensive services, experienced instructors, and personalized guidance tailored to each student's goals.
