Why South Korea is the Top Choice for International Students

Why study in South Korea
Have you ever wondered why South Korea has become one of the top countries for international students over time?  The answer lies in the educational institutions of the country.  Today the country is gaining a global reputation due to its high-quality education.   South Korea has a positive impact on international students seeking education.  207,125 international students intend to study in the country’s universities in 2023.  Bangladeshi students are going to South Korea because of the affordable quality of education.  South Korea is more attractive for endless job opportunities, famous universities, government scholarships, high-quality education, and advanced technology. In this article, we will tell you many valid reasons that can be your breakthrough decision to study in South Korea.
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    The crucial benefits of studying in South Korea

    The crucial benefits of studying in South Korea
    1. Now, South Korea is more prevalent among international students. Education quality in South Korea shows outstanding performance. The benefits of Korean education are unbelievable. Below, we share some crucial benefits:
      1. South Korea is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The nation is an associate member of the G20, which aims to achieve economic growth, agriculture, weather and climate change, and renewable energy among its member countries. The organization has also discussed various aspects of education.
      2. Government Scholarships for International Students offers more scholarships, including GKS.
      3. The Korean government aims to increase the number of students by 200,000 by 2023 to provide higher education to international students.
      4. South Korea has internationally recognized degrees for global students.
      5. South Korea is a progressive technology-based country. Their technology was available in mobile phones, displays, chemicals, cars, electronics, and ships.
      6. After completing a course, you can get a better job in South Korea. You will get an excellent job with other global students if you speak Korean and know the work culture. 
      7. More than five universities in the country have been ranked among the top 100 in the QS ranking
      8. Global students can work part-time in South Korea. A part-time job financially supports a student. The students can work 20 to 25  hours per week. They earn approximately €137 (17,485.197 BDT) per week, which is €548 (69,940.79 BDT).
      9. South Korea is among the top 10 job opportunities for international students.

    The education system in South Korea

    The education system in South Korea

    South Korea’s educational system is traditionally renowned. It is known as the most educated country in the world. Practical education is the main reason for its success. According to the OECD report, 70% of the South Korean total population aged 24 to 35 is completing some form of tertiary education.

    The Korean education system is not just a means of acquiring knowledge, but also a powerful economic force. Students, driven by the country’s strong educational culture, dedicate 12 to 16 hours a day to their studies. This intense focus on education has led to a highly knowledgeable population, although it also means that many individuals are overqualified for their jobs. The chart below provides a visual representation of the South Korean education system and its impact on the economy.

    Age Yearschools
    6-7Year 1Elementary school (6 Years)
    7-8Year 2
    8-9Year 3
    9-10Year 4
    10-11Year 5
    11-12Year 6
    12-13Year 1Middle school ( 3 Years)
    13-14Year 2
    14-15Year 3
    15-16Year 1High school  ( 3 Years)
    16-17 Year 2
    17-18Year 3

    Top 10 South Korean University and programs for international students

    Top 10 South Korean University and programs for international students

    Do you know the top-ranking South Korean universities? If you don’t know, don’t be upset. Below, through the table, we share the top 10 South Korean Universities.

    Name of Institute


    World Rank

    Country Rank

    QS Rank


    Seoul National University





    Science, Economics, Engineering, Humanities






    Business, Science and Technology,

    Yonsei University





    Economics, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology,  Science,

    Korea University





    Science, Politics, Social Science, Business, Science, Psychology, Law

    Kyung Hee University





    Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Management,  Chemical Engineering, Economics,  Science

    Hanyang University





    Medicine, Humanities, Social Science, Business, Engineering

    Pohang University of Science and Technology





    Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Social Science







    Computer Science,  Science, Economics, Engineering and Technology, Social Science

    Ewha Womans University





    Science, economics, Engineering, Social Science

    Pusan National University





    Science, economics, Engineering, Sociology, Microbiology

    Six premium courses in South Korea for international students

    Six premium courses in South Korea for international students

    Here, we provide the top-listed South Korean courses. This topic will help you decide which course to choose. 

    Here, we provide the top-listed South Korean courses. This topic will help you decide which course to choose.

    Course Name


    Computer Science and Information technology

    Data Science
    Computer Graphics
    Web Development
    Information Security

    Engineering and  technology

    Electrical Engineering 
    Robotics Engineering 
    Mechanical Engineering 
    Civil Engineering 
    Software Development
    Automotive Engineering

    Health and Medical Science


    Business and Management

    Human Resource Management
    International Business

    Economics and Information Trade

    Global Marketing
    Information Trade
    Information Finance
    Information Business Law
    Information Logistics

    Design and Media

    Web Design
    Graphics Design
    Fashion Design
    Interior Design
    Video Editing
    Products Design

    Scholarships and Financial Aid: Your Gateway to Studying in South Korea

    Scholarships and Financial Aid

    International students are often encouraged to pursue their dreams of studying abroad through scholarships. South Korea, in particular, offers a wide variety of scholarships, each providing valuable financial support. Whether you’re interested in science, arts, or business, there’s a scholarship for you. Among these, we have compiled a table of the top 5  scholarships for your consideration.


    Hosting University

    Level of studies

    Which country can apply?


    Seoul National University Scholarship

    Seoul National University

    Master, Doctoral, Master leading to doctorate, PhD

    Bangladesh, Angola, Albania, Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, China, and Egypt also many other developing countries

    Tuition fee: Up to 4 semester 
    Living expenses: 1,500,00 KRW to 2,000,000 ( per month ) continue 3 to 4 years
    Plane ticket: Economy class based on the GTS system.
    Korean language: One year (mandatory, to achieve TOPIK level 3 within one year to join the diploma program)

    GKS Scholarship

    Inje University

    Bachelors, Master, Doctorate, PhD

    Armenia, Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka and many other countries

    Tuition fee: 100% fully waived tuition fees.
    Living expenses: 1,000,000 KRW per month.
    Plane ticket: The host institute covers it.
    Health insurance:  The institute will provide you.

    KAIST University Scholarship

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

    Master, PhD

    All Countries can apply for this Scholarship

    Tuition fee: Up to tuition waiver for 8 semesters.
    Living expenses: 350,000 KRW per month.
    Health insurance: National Health insurance.

    GIST Scholarship

    Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

    Bachelors, Master, PhD

    All Country

    Tuition fee: 3,415,000 KRW waiver per semester.
    Health insurance: 60%

    UST Scholarship

    University of Science and Technology

    Master, PhD

    All Country

    Tuition fee: Full tuition waiver.
    Korean Language: available for international students

    Experience Vibrant Student Life in South Korea

    Every student has emotions on their university campus. The campus of a Korean university is extra large, neat, and clean. South Korean university campuses are around giant trees that change color every season.

    South Korean universities have a vast number of extracurricular clubs and activities. Every student joins a club to learn extracurricular activities. Korean students are serious about completing their activities.

    You are having trouble making friends in Korea at first. But gradually you will make many friends. However, if you live in a dorm, it will be much easier for you to make friends.

    High salary range job opportunities for International Students

    The company’s first requirement for employment in South Korea is that you speak Korean. If you can speak Korean well, like a native, your chances of getting a job are doubled. International students who want to get an English teacher Job for those people need an
    E-2 visa.
    E-2 visas are sponsored by educational institutions such as public schools, private schools, and universities.

    If you are seeking a job in South Korea, you Need a
    D-10 visa
    . D-10 visa, also known as a job seeker visa. A D-10 visa plan is for those graduating from a South Korean university. Moreover, they will qualify for a D-10 visa.

    South Korea is known for its competitive salaries, ranking among the top 30 countries globally. The average annual salary here is US$47,700 (5,580,900 BDT).

    Challenges study in South Korea

    South Korean living is sometimes challenging for international students. Below are some barriers to giving 

    • language barrier
    • Cultural difference
    • Academic Pressure
    • Difficulty of making friends
    • High-cost living

    But after a specific time, students come back with problems.


    Despite the challenges, South Korea’s education system is truly remarkable. The country’s lifestyle is so appealing that it has become a dream destination for thousands of students. The allure of studying in South Korea and its excellent education system make it a compelling choice for international students.